Georgia State AED Law

➜ Georgia Code 20-2-149.1 2015 Outlines instructions to ensure a comprehensive plan for training, certification, and credentialing of cardiac care providers in the use of AEDs.
➜ GA Reg 160-4–2.12 2013 Beginning in the 2013-2014 school year, each local board of education which operates a school with grades 9 through 12 shall provide instruction in CPR and the use of an AED to its students as a requirement within existing health or physical education courses.
➜ Georgia Code 31-11-53.2 2010 Outlines instructions to ensure the public health and safety for a person that acquires an AED.
➜ Georgia Code 31-11-53.1 2010 Defines: Automated External Defibrillator, Defibrillation, and First Responder.
Outlines instructions to ensure the public health and safety for a person that acquires an AED.
➜ Georgia Code 20-2-775 2010 Outlines AED requirements for schools. Outlines instructions to ensure a comprehensive plan for training, certification, and credentialing of cardiac care providers in the use of AEDs.
➜ GA Reg 150-13-.02 2010 Outlines AED requirements for dental offices.
➜ GA Reg 150-13-.01 2010 Outlines AED requirements for dental offices.