Maryland  State AED Law

➜ MD Code of Reg 2017 Defines: Automated External Defibrillator, Event Summary, Expected Operator, Facility, Operate, Public Safety Answering Point, Registered Facility, Response, and Site.
➜ MD Cts and Jud Pro Code 5-608 2016 Grants Good Samaritan protection for TRAINED users.
➜ SB 503/HB 1366 2014 (Breanna’s Law) Requiring a public school student to complete, as part of the health or physical education curriculum, instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation that includes hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator, beginning with students entering grade 9 in the 2015-2016 school year; requiring each county board of education to provide specified instruction in every public school that enrolls students in any of the grades 9 through 12, beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.
➜ SB 308 2014 (Montgomery County) Requires law enforcement agency’s vehicle used for patrol by a law enforcement officer who is a first responder and trained in the operation and use of an AED to be equipped with an AED.
➜ MD Code 1-1310 2014 Outlines AED requirements for swimming pools.
➜ HB 1248 2014 Requires owners and operators of certain swimming pools to develop and implement a certain AED program that meets certain requirements including maintenance, inspections, and training.
➜ HB 812 2014 Extends the requirement of AEDs required in high schools to include middle schools.
➜ MD Cts Jud Pro Code 5-603 2013 Grants Good Samaritan protection for UNTRAINED users.
➜ MD Code 7-425 2011 Outlines instructions to ensure the public health and safety for each county board that develops and implements an AED program.
➜ SB 579
➜ HB 1134
2008 Altering the circumstances under which an individual is immune from civil liability for providing automated external defibrillation; and providing that immunity from liability is not available to individuals for specified conduct that is grossly negligent, willful or wanton misconduct, or intentionally tortious conduct.
➜ SB 570 2008 Renaming the Automated External Defibrillator Program to be the Public Access Automated External Defibrillator Program; repealing the authority of the State Emergency Medical Services Board to set and require fees for the issuance and renewal of certificates under the program; authorizing the Board to approve educational and training programs that include training in automated external defibrillation; etc.
➜ SB 330 2008 An Act requiring that each county or municipality owned swimming pool develop and implement an AED program and that an individual trained on its use be present during business hours.
➜ SB 742 2007 An Act requiring a study for whether automated external defibrillators should be provided on-site at swimming pools in the State.
➜ HB 211 2006 An Act requiring health clubs to have AEDs on the premises.
➜ HB 1200 2006 Requires every school in the state to have an AED on the premises and at all school-sponsored athletic events.