Montana State AED Law

➜ MT Code 20-7-1315 2017 The office of public instruction shall provide guidance and technical support and make available a program of study to Montana schools.
➜ MT Code 50-6-503 2009 The department shall adopt rules specifying: the contents of the written notice required by 50-6-502(6); reporting requirements for each use of an AED; the contents of a plan prepared in accordance with 50-6-502 and requirements applicable to the subject matter of the plan; training requirements in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and AED use for any individual authorized by an AED program plan to use an AED; guidelines for medical oversight of an AED program; minimum requirements for a medical protocol for use of an AED; performance requirements for an AED in order for the AED to be used in an AED program; and a list of the AED training programs approved by the department. The department may not adopt rules for any purpose other than those in subsection (1).
➜ MT Admin Reg 37.104.601 2008 Defines: Automated External Defibrillator, CPR, and Medical Supervision.
➜ MT Admin Reg 37.104.604 2008 An entity wishing to use or allow the use of an AED shall develop and update the AED as changes are made.
➜ MT Admin Reg 37.104.606 2008 Every time an AED is attached to a patient, its use must be reported to the medical supervisor or the medical supervisor’s designee and the report must include the information required by the supervising medical supervisor.
➜ MT Admin Reg 37.104.610 2008 In order to be authorized by an AED program plan to use an AED, an individual must complete a cardiopulmonary resuscitation and AED training program that meets the standards of the American Heart Association and must renew this training at intervals not to exceed two years.
➜ MT Admin Reg 37.104.615 2008 A medical protocol for defibrillation use must be consistent with the requirements for defibrillation set out in the “2005 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care”.
➜ MT Code 50-6-502 2007 Outlines the requirements prior to allowing the use of an AED.
➜ SB 95 2007 Amends physician requirements for medical oversight of an AED program.
➜ MT Admin Reg 37.104.616 2005 An AED used by an AED program must be a unit approved by the U.S. food and drug administration.
➜ MT Code 50-6-501 1999 Defines: Automated External Defibrillator, Department, Emergency Medical Service, Entity, Physician, and Public Safety Answering Point.
➜ MT Code 50-6-504 1999 Outlines the policy for AED violation.
➜ MT Code 50-6-506 1999 This part does not apply to the use of an AED by: (1) a patient or the patient’s caretaker if use of the AED is ordered by a physician; or (2) a licensed health care professional, including an emergency medical technician, whose scope of practice includes the use of an AED.
➜ MT Code 50-6-605 1999 Outlines the requirements prior to allowing the use of an AED.