Pennsylvania State AED Law

➜ 24 P.S 14-1423 2014 Sets guidelines for AED programs in schools. Including the fund receiving policies for schools with the intent on acquiring and maintaining an AED.
➜ 73 P.S 22174 2012 Sets guidelines for AED programs in health clubs.
➜ SB 351 2011 Extends Good Samaritan law and requires entities acquiring AEDs to properly maintain them.
➜ HB 1525 2011 Requires that health clubs with services offered during nonstaffed hours be equipped with an AED, panic button, emergency phone, and personal security device.
➜ 55 PA Code 2800.96 2011 Outlines AED requirements for assisted living facilities.
➜ HB 2778 2010 Requires hotels to provide and maintain AEDs.