Querétaro State AED Law

➜ CA SB 1397 2018 Outlines AED requirements for buildings constructed on or after January 1, 2017
➜ CA SB 502 2018 Outlines AED requirements for commuter rail systems.
➜ CA AB 2009 2018 Requires CA schools to:
1. Ensure there is a written emergency action plan
2. Acquire an AED for each school within a school district before July 1, 2019
3. Encourage that AEDs be available for emergency care
4. Ensure that an AED is available to athletic trainers and coaches
➜ CA AB 1766 2018 Requires public swimming pools to have an AED.
➜ CA Ed Code 51225.6 2016 Outlines AED requirements for schools.
➜ CA Ed Code 49417 2015 Outlines fund receiving policies for schools with the intent on acquiring and maintaining an AED.
➜ CA Health andd Safety Code 19300 2015 Outlines the occupancy structures that are required to have an AED on the premises.
➜ 16 CCR 1070.8 2011 Outlines the occupancy structures that are required to have an AED on the premises.
➜ CA Health and Safety Code 104113 2007 Outlines AED requirements for health studios.
➜ CA Civil Code 1714.2 2006 Grants Good Samaritan protection for TRAINED users.
➜ CA Civil Code 1714.21 2006 Grants Good Samaritan protection for UNTRAINED users.